On 26-Oct-01 Yann Chachkoff wrote: >> Why are you developing a GTK editor? > Because quite some people asked for one. Yay yay yay.. ::dance dance:: So.. actually.. that would pretty much solve my problem with removing the Xt editor. All I want is an editor that is truly free. Now.. Amusingly.. as one of the original advocates of switching to a single client.. I can see myself swaying back the other way. I tried the SDL client some last night.. and while it is an impressive body of work, there are a few issues with it, some of which I assume are because it's still in beta: 1) It was pretty slow. My whole system seemed to bog down when I ran it, and my onscreen cursor suddenly took on a luggish feeling, even when out of the window. I have a 1.4GHZ Athlon with 512MB of DDR ram. 2) The onscreen icons really had me confused. I couldn't figure out where my inventory was, or any details about them. I tried clicking on monsters onscreen to find out what they were, but never got any data back. I found myself looking around for the side windows and whatnot that the gtk client have, showing inventory, and whats on the ground. Perhaps I just didn't see something obvious. I saw alot of space in the client used by pretty backgrounds and displays, but less actual information shown to the user. I plan to fiddle more. 3) In order to install the gtk client.. there are alot of sub-packages one needs to install. SDL is quite a beast though. Lets compare: GTK: SDL: gettext SDL_image glib Mesa gtk SDL perl esound png glu pth glut xpm jpeg libaudiofile png pth gettext glib gtk libogg smpeg I can deal with #3, as, I guess if you want the features these days, you pay the bloat. #2 can be fixed, or at least documented. #1 looks like it's going to be the interesting problem to solve. --- Tim Rightnour < root at garbled.net > NetBSD: Free multi-architecture OS http://www.netbsd.org/ NetBSD supported hardware database: http://mail-index.netbsd.org/cgi-bin/hw.cgi