I just want to underline a few points in the current discussion about "skill splitting". 1) For the combat skills: did you know there was an old patch called "Advanced Combat System" ? Of course, it may not fit your needs about skills, and it is quite outdated now, meaning that reusing the code directly would be difficult. But what was interesting with it was that it has been tested and improved following players opinion. There was also included in the package a good synthesis of what was/could be done. Can't we reuse this document as a workbasis for the new combat skills ? (Another question I ask is 'why the Advanced Combat patch wasn't included in the main CVS ?') 2) For both combat and magical skills, dividing them into "schools" could indeed be a good idea. But doing this without the "map counterpart" (guilds and specific quests), would not that system look quite "artificial" ? 3) I've heard several times that splitting skills could prevent the players to get experience too fast. Of course, if you add more rules, you prevent abuses. But is the "too-fast-XP" problem a rules problem or a gaming environment problem ? Don't you think that players get experience too fast because they get powerful items too easily, because they get too many experience when bashing cyclops, because many quests are simply too easy to finish ? 4) The game currently has some skills that are somewhat "useless" (or, at least, much less used than the others). If we split the skills, don't you think most of the new stuff will simply be ignored in favour of the "easiest way" ? For example, creating "magical schools" each devoted to a particular spellpath sounds quite logical, but clearly not all schools have the same potential (some can even have no spell !). And how do you suggest to promote those "less powerful" skills like oratory or singing ? (Note that I know that those skills are used - but they are clearly less interesting than the melee or spellcasting ones) I ask all those questions not because I'm opposed to the "skill-splitting" idea. But IMO, considering the problem on a larger scale (the whole gaming environment, and not only the "rules part") should not be dismissed. Chachkoff Y. ----------------------------------------- Visit http://www.chachkoff.f2s.com for a journey into a fantastic world ! (But don't expect too much...) -----------------------------------------