[CF-Devel] seperating skills (was RE: brief introduction)

David Hurst dnh at hawthorn.csse.monash.edu.au
Sun Sep 30 05:03:27 CDT 2001

I am an avid fighter in SCA and I believe I might just input a few pointers in this..

      Well.. off the top of my head.. I had planned something like this:
An Axe is not a slashing weapon, it is a sharp blugeon.

              dagger-like (think stiletto)
A dagger is a stabbing weapon, it is used in combat to stab at the head and joints, as is a rapier.

To call any two handed weapon, a stabbing weapon is rather dodgy, they are used in a stabbing action, but they don't deal damage like a stabbing weapon (trust me, it hurts alot more ;))

I don't know HOW rapier got here, a rapier is a long thin piece of metal used to stab at joints (think about how professional rapier fighters fighter, that don't ever slash or slice).

              whip-like (we don't actually have any yet though.. eh?)
I have one in my image directory, I think I might have even commited the image, it was never actually added into the game though.


hmmm well a flail is more of a whip like weapon, I would say you should define each category as a form of damage.

      Combo:  (I stole this from you, I really like this)
              polearms, halbards, etc.  The idea here would be to have different
              kinds, like in DND, so one might be slash/pierce, and you would have to
              know both to wield it.  Like you said, the best damage type would win.
              saws and magnifying glasses.  ;)  Probably nonsensical to have a skill
              for those.
The point I would like to make is, that you should probably think about each type of damage, then try to categories each of the weapons with some of each. An axe is a very good example, it is defn a bludgeon but it has a sharp edge, so it would do both types of damage. 

Anyway, I defn think this is useful, particularly in terms of armour, currently armour is defined really by how much AC and armour. But in reality, ring mail doesn't do a thing against a hammer (though not alot does). It would certainly make alot of weapons alot more useful if they deal various levels of each damage.

Food for thought (or fish)


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