[CF List] Experience Categories

Scott Wedel scott at campy.tymnet.com
Fri Apr 26 13:49:32 CDT 2002

     From: "Andreas Vogl" <
      andi.vogl at gmx.net
     There is no way to make skills like stealing or singing
     work on the pure combat maps we currently have.
     Well, in fact, there is one:
     Create a way to sing or steal monsters to death.
Hopefully that is meant as a joke.  I was with you all the
way upto that point.  The point of skills being distinct from
combat is that they are *not* combat skills, but allow other
means of solving problems.  It could be possible for a
particularly stealthy character to get treasure from a map
without ever defeating a monster.

Your suggestions on better integrating skills into the game are
some of the best ideas I've seen here in a long time.  The
archetypes should allow specifying stealing, singing and hiding
resistance levels.  That would allow a mapmaker to put items needed
for solving a dungeon on a powerful monster that is vulnerable to
stealing or being pacified.  And a mapmaker could make the monsters
in a particular dungeon have extra difficulty seeing hidden players.

Special skills do not require special maps.  It does require
existing maps are adjusted when applicable.  Pirates in a drinking
area should be particularly vulnerable to singing and oratory.


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