[CF List] Experience Categories

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Sat Apr 27 10:32:51 CDT 2002

-- Scott Wedel <
     scott at campy.tymnet.com

      Your suggestions on better integrating skills into the game are
      some of the best ideas I've seen here in a long time.  The
      archetypes should allow specifying stealing, singing and hiding
      resistance levels.  That would allow a mapmaker to put items needed
      for solving a dungeon on a powerful monster that is vulnerable to
      stealing or being pacified.  And a mapmaker could make the monsters
      in a particular dungeon have extra difficulty seeing hidden players.
Might also be a good way to differentiate races/classes.
Various types might be born with skills or be denied them
without an artifact. Would be interesting for group play
at least, since maps could be made that require a group to
manage them.

Steven Lembark                               2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                       Chicago, IL 60647
                                            +1 800 762 1582


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