[CF-Devel] CFEditor cleaning up

Bob Tanner tanner at real-time.com
Fri Aug 2 08:15:54 CDT 2002

Quoting Andreas Vogl (
     andi.vogl at gmx.net
      You, Bob Tanner, had made a lot of serious changes and
      *commited* them without asking. You had not done any
      work on the JavaEditor before, so you had no kind of do-it-myself-
      authority on the project.
Adding properly named package to the top of each file is a serious change?
Changes that follow sun's recommended naming convention?

Your attitude sucks. 

Open source at it's core is do-it-myself authority.

Instead of working with me (co-developer) you totally dismissed me. That is not
a way to get more people to develop on the editor or interested in crossfire in

      Among other things you had screwed up the entire code
      layout by wrongfully replacing tabs with spaces and you
      were unable to repair it properly.
I disagree here. It should be spaces, not tabs. Linux kernel, apache code all
say 4 or even 8 spaces. Not tabs.

But I spent time coverting them back to tabs, but you where unwilling take the
time to verify my changs.

      You had coded 3 lengthy methods to include only the
      "typenumbers.def" file in the jar. It was specialized code
      that would have to be written again for any other resource
      file. And it was broken too - threw an exception when
      run under certain circumstances.
Define lengthy? 20 lines of code with documentation is not lenghty.

      You had also done something to load images from the jar,
      but this refused to work at least on my systems.
Did you ever tell me it didn't work?

Did you ever give me the opportunity to fix it?

No to both questions. You just dismissed my changes. You have a major case of
NIH  (not invented here) syndrome.

      > > > - Separating the PNG support from the CFEditor code.
      > Yep, "fixed" this issue as well. 
      At your time, the sixlegs package was not compatible
      because they didn't free allocated memory properly.
Your point?

I just added the package name to the code. That has nothing to do with a bug in
the sixlegs code.
Bob Tanner <
     tanner at real-time.com
     >         | Phone : (952)943-8700
      Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
      Minnesota, Wireless | Coding isn't a crime. 
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