[CF-Devel] CFEditor cleaning up

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Tue Aug 6 04:01:33 CDT 2002

in reply to Michael Keuchen:

      We can do the same with the 4 "configuration" files.
      IMO the spells* and type* files are not changed by the mapmaker
      (whom I meant with "user of the editor"), and the autojoin file
      is. But maybe the autojoin information can - in future - be split
      up and put into the arch tree, as the information consists of
There are only two things about the config files that really matter:

1. The editor contains a menu "Collect->Collect Spells" to
generate the "spells.def" file from the spellist.h server
C-source file. This needs special attention for possible
jar-only distributions of the editor.
An editor version run from jar must either write the changes
directly into the jar archive, or the editor must read a
possibly changed extracted file version always before opening
the one out of the jar (The latter is currently the case).

2. The file "types.txt" is very important and special (for me).
I really *want* to have users modify this file, or at least
look into it. My vision about this is that the "types.txt"
file could become an inofficial documentation-standard
for the Crossfire arch sysntax.

So, when some developer patches the server code to introduce
a new arch atribute (like for example a value for item power)
- then he might think "okay, now I must update types.txt
from the JavaEditor so that mapmakers know about by new feature".

I can't force this to happen, but I want the types.txt file
to be present, visible and as well-known as possible.
That's why I left it in the root directory so far.

      Put all these four in a directory for configuration files,
      and see what will happen. Can we go on this way?
I agree it would be "cleaner" to move them into a subdir,
but would people ever look into a directory called
"resources/conf" in order to customize the editor?

Maybe an alternative solution to fit both our wantings
would be to include a way to view and modify the types.txt
file from within the editor.
Then I don't care in how many subdirs we put the file.
But in such a case we have to consider again what happens
when the editor is run from jar, like above.

What do you think?


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