[CF-Devel] RE: [Crossfire-cvs] CVS commit: arch/monster

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Thu Aug 29 03:31:58 CDT 2002

Euh... Most of these monsters (evil masters, kobolds
and necro pets) really were supposed to be high level.
They need that level to maintain their hitting-rate
and ability to damage high level players.
I mean *someone* has to defend those artifacts like
wdsm and magic cloak in pupland...
You are right that the exp given for many of those
monsters didn't quite match the level. The reason is,
in most pupland maps you can already get enough exp
and you get fine treasure too when killing the boss

Not entirely sure what I should do now.
I have an urge to raise those levels back up,
but I could do it on a per-map basis.
OTOH, most of these monsters are meant to be
unique, so it seems "cleaner" to set levels in the

I won't do it unless you (Mark) agree with my
reasoning though. :-)


      -----Original Message-----
      crossfire-cvs-admin at lists.sourceforge.net
      crossfire-cvs-admin at lists.sourceforge.net
      Sent: Donnerstag, 29. August 2002 07:17
      crossfire-cvs at lists.sourceforge.net
      Subject: [Crossfire-cvs] CVS commit: arch/monster
      Module Name:	arch
      Committed By:	mwedel
      Date:		Thu Aug 29 05:17:18 UTC 2002
      Modified Files:
      	arch/monster/acid: pet_necro.arc
      	arch/monster/demon: evil_master1.arc evil_master2.arc 
      	arch/monster/goblin: ologhi.arc
      	arch/monster/goblin/Kobold: h_kobold.arc unusual_kobold.arc
      	arch/monster/undead: dave.arc
      Log Message:
      Fix the level/exp for some monsters - these all had levels which
      was much higher than the actually difficulty the monster should be.
      MSW 2002-08-28

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