[CF-Devel] Re: [Crossfire-cvs] CVS commit: arch/monster

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Thu Aug 29 22:41:10 CDT 2002

Andreas Vogl wrote:
      Euh... Most of these monsters (evil masters, kobolds
      and necro pets) really were supposed to be high level.
      They need that level to maintain their hitting-rate
      and ability to damage high level players.
      I mean *someone* has to defend those artifacts like
      wdsm and magic cloak in pupland...
      You are right that the exp given for many of those
      monsters didn't quite match the level. The reason is,
      in most pupland maps you can already get enough exp
      and you get fine treasure too when killing the boss
      Not entirely sure what I should do now.
      I have an urge to raise those levels back up,
      but I could do it on a per-map basis.
      OTOH, most of these monsters are meant to be
      unique, so it seems "cleaner" to set levels in the
      I won't do it unless you (Mark) agree with my
      reasoning though. :-)
  Well, I tried to adjust level by looking at what it seemed the toughness of 
the monster was.

  Note that for most of that stuff you mention, I don't think level will make 
too much a difference - most already had really high str/con/dex/wc, so the 
reduction is level probably won't make too much difference.  I could be wrong 

  Mostly however, I did a quick 'grep ^level archetypes', and saw several at 
level 100, with the next highest being level 50 or something.  This large gap 
seemed pretty odd.

  As for uniqueness - that is more of a problem.  In some sense, anything in the 
archetypes shouldn't be considered too unique.  Now I can understand that many 
of these need to be in archetypes just to supply images.  But the problem 
probably will occur that someone will make a map, and see these as interesting 
monsters to add to their map.  There is no clear indication that these should be 
truly unique to pupland.

  So I guess I'm saying that anything in the arch direction should try to be 
generic in the sense it could be used on any map.  If my changes messed up that 
balance (eg, if placed on even some other map, the stats are improper), than 
feel free to adjust them.  But if the issue is that these should perhaps be 
buffer for the pupland maps, then I woudl say the maps should get modified, not 
the archs.


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