[CF-Devel] Re: [CF-maps] maps-bigworld input sought.

Rick Tanner leaf at real-time.com
Thu Jun 6 19:11:33 CDT 2002

A rough sketch on the city locations is available at sourceforge, careful
though, the image is over 800Kb


On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Mark Wedel wrote:

      Lake_County: The map itself (kundi_area) certainly has a look that it should be
      part of something larger (eg, rivers and roads that run off the edges).  So my
      personal thought is that this should be be located someplace on the real map -
      it would fit in better.  Maybe someplace south of brest?  anyone see a reason
      that shouldn't happen?  What level range are these maps?
How about a little more south east of brest?  There appears to be plenty
of lakes there to make the map set live up to it's name. ;)

A large majority of the maps in Lake Country are for characters level 30+.
For instance, Chaos Lair, Wizard Tower, Burial Ground, Tower of Luck, etc.
As far as I know, Lord Butakis Elite Training Tower (a pretty good
tutorial map, BTW) is the only map that is for characters under level 10.

      destiny maps:  like lake_count above, the map itself (kandora) has a feeling of
      being something large.  IT would need some work (the new world maps won't use
      the city icons anymore), but this could also be located someplace on the world
      map it would seem.  What level range are these maps?
Heh, I don't how to get to these maps <blush>

      dragonisland:  I think that this should be located to some actual island on the
      content someplace - this should be pretty easy to do.  This would be nice in
      that if down the road we allow boats that sail the oceans, this is someplace
      real on the world.
Sounds good to me.

      dtabb:  This was orignally the start of a new continent which really never went
      anyplace.  I think this should be located somewhere on the main continent, and
      thats what I'll do unless there is reason not to.  Might also more or less merge
      some of those towns together (darcap, cateham, and mountain village), as
      invidivdually there isn't a lot to each of them.
Keep in mind there's a number of maps located in the wilderness of this
continent, like High Valcano, Lord Lyn's Castle, Undead Ruins, and so on.
Would these maps get distributed in the general area surrounding Darcap?

I ask because there's a specific quest in Darcapp that relates to
two of the Dtabb maps.

      ender pirateisland (and wolfsburg):  I don't see any reason these can't be put
      somewhere on the world maps (off the coast of course).  There are obviously some
      issues if you could sail to some of the small islands (might be able to bypass
      some quest aspects) - I'm not positive how big a deal that would be.  In any
      case, that can be prevented with appropriate use of keys or inventory checkers
      or whatever.
Sounds good to me.

      langley (port joseph): This is a fairly small and compact set of maps.  However,
      for the most part it is fairly low level, so shouldn't be too far from scorn
      (currently, a ship ride away).  I'm sort of inclined to keep it as is and put it
      on the world maps.  Could be interesting to merge this in with the pirateisland
      and wolfsburge maps, as those maps are also gotten to by ship - my only concern
      is that wolfsburg is a bit higher than just a beginning map.
I second your concern.

A number of the Wolfsburg maps don't give much of a warning on how
dangerous they are.  Many times, very nasty monsters are just waiting on
the top of a set of stairs or behind doors.  (Examples: Castle Magara and
High Tower)  Not fun for new people. =(

      thomas/sisters:  The vally would seem to be something perfectly fine that can be
      buried in the middle of some large mountain range on the main continent, which
      is what I'll do.
Currently it's rather hard to find the entrance to this map (and sometimes
the exit..) I stumbled upon this area by accident myself, years ago.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to make knowledge of this area more
prevelant in the game without giving away too much?  Or am I missing
something here?

- Rick Tanner


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