[CF-Devel] Change in equip method.

Todd Mitchell temitchell at sympatico.ca
Sat Jun 8 13:26:58 CDT 2002

Tim Rightnour said:
      I can see not having the bow and weapon on at the same time, and the idea
      switching the bonuses in and out as you switch weapons is good, though I
      having a bow and shield is justifiable.  For example:
      1) Many smaller crossbows were kept inside the shield arm to fire as a
 Then you make a small crossbow that is one handed, limited range and
damage.  You don't hide a longbow or full crossbow behind a shield.  A heavy
crossbow you would have your hands full just loading it.

      2) Lets say you saw a horde of orcs ahead, and decided to pick them off.
      archers would drive the point of thier shield into the ground and fire
      behind it, essentially giving them the armor bonus, at least to incoming

There may be examples in history where a shield was used this way, but then
you would also say that anyone who had the foolishness to go into battles
alone against 20 or 30 opponents like we do in the game wouldn't last 5
minutes.   Thangor the archer would be Thangor the dead porcupine even with
a shield.  A magic shield might not work unless it was worn anyway...

from Mark:
     The change would basically modify equipable objects to specify whay body
     location (or equip location) they go on.  For example, helmets would have a
     added like 'equip_location head', armor would have 'equip_location torso',
     'equip_location finger', etc.  Objects could specify multiple locations -
     'equip_location weapon_hand,shield_hand' could be used to allow 2 handed

You can have it both ways,
Changing the equip method like Mark suggests would allow you to have smaller
missile weapons like you mention, but it also allows you to have larger two
handed missile weapons.  You would have to balance out the weapons of


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