[CF-Devel] non-suicide spellcasters

Peter Mardahl peterm at tonks.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Mar 14 17:57:09 CST 2002

      I agree with the boss point, but might not someone want to create a map 
      where the moster is meant to kill itself sort of thing. IE a problem 
      like the Avatar of the Fire God, but where instead of solving it that 
      way, you have to wait for it to kill itself? (soz no spoiler here ;).
The A o t F G kills itself?  It shouldn't be able to....  Did someone
mess with it?

But anywya, I hadn't considered a case where the mapmaker WANTED the
monster to kill itself.  However, I'd prefer a map solution to this:
a map maker could put somethng else in the map to kill a monster
rather than requiring it to kill itself with its own spells.

I do not think the complication of another flag is needed for
this case....



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