[CF-Devel] Latest Client release

yann.chachkoff at softhome.net yann.chachkoff at softhome.net
Thu Mar 28 02:07:03 CST 2002

Andreas Vogl writes:

      in reply to gros:
      > I understand CVS is the right place for unstable/unfinished 
      > code, but don't you think it is a bit *too* unfinished ? Can't
      > you at least try your code once before committing ?
      I agree of course that code has to be tested, but I also
      think that the amount of work someone does should be taken
      into consideration.
     Does a bigger work excuse not testing it ?
      What Mark did here was a real big thing, implemented both into
      client and server. If something goes amiss in the process, it's
      still a great piece of work on the whole.
For me, a great piece of code is a code that works.
Now I agree it can become quite difficult to find bugs (especially the
pointer ones) when your code gets bigger. But those are not bugs that
required intensive hunting/testing. Those are syntax errors, and a simple
compilation try would have immediatly revealed them. So I stand on my
point: reread and test your code at least once, to prevent such silly
errors to happen in the future.

Y. Chachkoff


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