[CF List] wraight (& fireborns)

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Tue Mar 5 23:37:09 CST 2002

      I think fireborns using fire for food is good - it is relatively simple 
     to do,

Glad you're warming to the idea.

       For wraights, it is probably easier to abstract it to all races that are
      undead.  I'm not sure the idea of sucking hp from those around you is
      that great - it would seem to make it more difficult for the wraith to
      adventure with others (as he would probably end up sucking his friends
      lifeforce also).  Certainly tying it to the death of others works -
      things the wraith directly kills is easiest to do - things that die
      around the wraith (say by his friends actions) are harder, as when
      something dies, you then need to examine all the nearby squares to see if
      there is a wraith player around.  The idea of a wraith carrying around a
      bag of live chickens for food comes to mind.
Tie it to the damage done via spells cast by the character --
you already have to compute that anyway. Ingoring group
effects for this seems reasonable. For whatever fraction
of the "nutrition" they might get let them walk aroun eating
whatever corpses are left over from their friends' fun (see below).

That or add an innate "suck the life out of" skill that works
similarly to "destruction" but adds the damage points to the
char's food. Would work similarly to existing drain spells.

       To make it so that wraiths are completely hosed, they could also get some
      nominal food value from flesh items (maybe 1/10'th the value), and the
      basis there is still some small essence of life left in them.
Works for me. Simplest fix would be taking 1/10 of the
food value from any corpse eaten. There might be a
logical argument that "undead corpses" aren't going to
have any life force but it sure would simplify things.


Steven Lembark                               2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                       Chicago, IL 60647
                                            +1 800 762 1582


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