> I'm strongly against making fireborn eat fire instead of eating > food. Nearly all the maps are designed to sustain creatures which > eat food, not fire. Fireborn would thus be screwed--unless they were > saddled with lots of wands of fireball/scrolls, WAY harder to obtain > than food. Cast burning hands at yourself or any size fireball near a wall. Now try casting "create food" in a dragon cave when you're already covered in flame and pick up the food before it burns. Which seems easier? > Third, what's so horrible about the idea of fireborn consuming food? Try carrying enough food to survive on w/ str == 2. If you're low level and carrying food (vs. waybreads) the speed hit will kill you nearly as often as starvation. -- Steven Lembark 2930 W. Palmer Workhorse Computing Chicago, IL 60647 +1 800 762 1582