[CF List] wraight (& fireborns)

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Wed Mar 6 10:02:02 CST 2002

      I'm strongly against making fireborn eat fire instead of eating
      food.  Nearly all the maps are designed to sustain creatures which
      eat food, not fire.  Fireborn would thus be screwed--unless they were
      saddled with lots of wands of fireball/scrolls, WAY harder to obtain
      than food.
Cast burning hands at yourself or any size fireball near
a wall. Now try casting "create food" in a dragon cave when you're
already covered in flame and pick up the food before it burns.

Which seems easier?

      Third, what's so horrible about the idea of fireborn consuming food?
Try carrying enough food to survive on w/ str == 2. If
you're low level and carrying food (vs. waybreads) the
speed hit will kill you nearly as often as starvation.

Steven Lembark                               2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                       Chicago, IL 60647
                                            +1 800 762 1582


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