[CF List] wraight (& fireborns)

Steven Lembark lembark at wrkhors.com
Fri Mar 8 09:13:52 CST 2002

       I guess I'm confused what struct and what field.  You certainly don't
      want to modify the spells the fireborn casts in such a way, as it would
      also heal other monsters.
       And in fact, since the fireborn has 100 resistance to fire, some special
      hack would be needed in the attack code in any place.
Last time I looked the resistance is accomplished by a
multiplier that effects the damage. If the sign if this
value were reversed then "damage" would be added to the
hp rather than subtracted.

       Which is one reason having it food I think works better - food has a much
      higher total allowed (999 - ok, at very high levels, players may get hp
      that high).  But it does mean that a fireborn that starts with max food
      in town should be able to get a decent amount of the dungeon done, and
      then find fire or whatever to get food back up.  If its his hit points,
      chances are he might leave town at max, gets to dungeon at less than max,
      has to fire up, and now has less than max mana, waits for that to get up,
      and once again has less than max hp.  mana regen would have to be faster
      than hp loss, but the effect will still almost certainly be that the
      player will spend more time waiting for those to go up.
At low levels they can get a wand, potion or spell.

       Also, having it be hp would seem to me to make it impossible for a
      fireborns hp to naturally go up unless he is in fire.  This could really
      screw the fireborn - imagine he got into a treasure chamber with no
      magic, but that also released big nasty monster - he's basically hosed
      now, as his hp will continue to go down with no way to get them up again.
      At least if food is a seperate stat, assuming he has enough food, his hp
      will get maxed out.
That would be a problem. But fb's are already completely
screwed facing monsters in places with no magic (though
casting flaming aura outside the door would go a long
way towards keeping them going).

Steven Lembark                               2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                       Chicago, IL 60647
                                            +1 800 762 1582


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