[CF List] levels & exp

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Thu Mar 28 12:38:35 CST 2002

in reply to the level/experience issues posted by
Scott W., Henric K. and Kimmo H.:

      Most players [...] find the level system not working at the moment.
      [...] after level 25-30 you start getting exp rather big amounts and
      the level difference practically stops growing [...].
This is sooo true. Indeed, the experience gap between levels stops
growing at ~level 50 which is all but silly under the current setting.
It made some sense while the death penalty was huge, but that has been
reduced so the logical consequence is to raise level gaps.

And yes, doing so would implicitly rise the death penalty again (Has
discussed before). But I think the current situation on the game-servers
shows more than clearly that it is required.

      possible solution: more levels (200, 300, ...) 
Raising the maxlevel is a seperate issue. It doesn't solve the above
problem - but it would be a nice addition.
Big and only problem here: Very hard to change in the code because
the maxlevel is so often used as hardcoded value (for array-dimensions,
part of formulaes etc). Extremely high risk of causing MASSIVE bugs!

      Remove a few the the worst xp maps. I'm primary thinking of the
      temples of Valriel and Gorock, 100 levels!
Currenlty we have too little maps. Unbalanced maps should therefore
be fixed, not removed. We could insert tougher monsters at the higher
randommap stages for example, to balance the experience gains.

      As for experience levels, sounds to me like the table of 
      experience needed per level should be contained in a configuration
      file read at startup that can easily be editted.
I don't agree here. Multiple experience models would cause way too
much chaos. The experience model must be hardcoded
and identical on all servers. Maps have to be designed after that
*one* experience model. Players should also be able to get used
to one model.



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