[CF-Devel] Sheep! (another patch - 2.2kb)

Flying Pedestrian emaillist+cfdev at dogphilosophy.net
Tue Nov 12 00:27:15 CST 2002

Tim Rightnour <
     root at garbled.net
     > wrote:
      Farm animals.  Cows, sheep, goats, pigs, horses. [...]
      Wouldn't it be nice if there was a little farm by the ogre cave that had a
      bunch of sheep wandering about?  Plus, you could slaughter them for
Okay, got no idea if I did this right, so if somebody could put some of
these critters on a map somewhere and check them out, let me know how
they work.

Tarball contains arch's for:


and a diff patch for crossfire/lib/treasures which
hopefully gives the sheep the appropriate chance
to drop a sheepskin or leg of mutton.  Try not to
laugh too hard at the badly drawn sheepskin.

I figure with the new skill/alchemy system going in,
the sheepskin would be handy for making cloaks with
some cold resistance...

As always, comments, suggestions, etc. etc...you know the drill.
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