Some quick comments - I agree with the idea that a general 'mechanism' for alchemy makes sense. Eg, dragon scales + other result in fire resistance, creature heart + arrow = slaying (or assassinating). I'm a little concerned about making those too automatic. I don't know if I really want it abstracted to the point where the player can make boots of fire resistance, cloak of fire res, ring, helm, ... all fire res. I think (from my perspective) would be to have the formula reflect some standard, but not necesarily have them be generic. Note the creationg of 'anything good' through alchemy type things should increase the item_power of the object. That code isn't currently enforced, but that is what we are moving to. Arguably, the alchemy code could be used to replace the current weapon enchantment method. Books - should make sure that only books that could randomly occur can be created. It'd otherwise be sort of pointless if the reward for some quest is some special spell, but once the person learned that spell, he can make books for everyone who wants it (the case still exists that someone could fetch the book from the quest for other people, but that is certainly harder than just scribing them). Food - I've often said that current body parts that litter the battlefield should go bad - like nethack, at some point, they become poisonous, and at some later point, they just decompose. You could add a 'canning kit', and people could preserve these parts if so desired (maybe have to pick up empty cans/bottles someplace?) Eg, leg + can = canned leg of .... That chicken + a fire should equal roast bird. Maps/images: the idea of fruiting trees where the player could go and potentially pick those apples and oranges would add least add some consistency to the game. Of course, one could really take this to the full extreme - also have things like wheat, grinding mills, ovens, etc. Other than color, I'm not really sure if this would be of much use. If we're on the topic of images, I'd prefer some more shop images - basically, right now there is armor, weapon, general, and magic. I'm pretty sure the alchemy shop uses the same as the magic shop, and there is another shop (range weapon shop?) that uses the normal weapon shop image. Would be nice to have those have their own faces. If a lighting emporium is added, then it having it's own face would also be nice. Same thing for workshops - could have bunch of workshop house images.