On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Johnny Shelley wrote: > Unfortunately, the ad hoc committee for skill restructuring has been > unable to reach full consensus on a proposed new skill system. > > The main problem is in how to deal with the magic system and schools. I > will post one system as a follow up to this thread and Tim will post a > second view. We leave it to the list members to decide on which method > is the preferred route. The idea behind this method of handling spell paths is that every path starts as denied, requiring characters to pay in increasing amolunts to reach repelled, standard and attuned status in a path. In this system, a characters overall praying / spell casting skill would be used to determine how well they cast spells, then modified by their attunement status in a particular spell path. The major benefits of this method are a simple method to calculate max spell points and grace and not having to determine a method for awarding experience to 'non combat' spells. What this method does not allow is the high level of differentian by making each spell path a separate skill category as Tim's system would. Regardless of which method is eventually chosen (if either) the spell paths need to be cleaned up a bit.. some of the spells just make no sense in their current path or have no path at all. Spellcasting Skills ------ level 1 = 1x cost, level 10, 33% experience level 2 = 2x cost, level 30, 66% experience level 3 = 3x cost, level 70, 100% experience level 4 = 5x cost, no level limit, 150% experience base cost 2 (spell casting - cheaper than melee but requires buying attunements) -- wizardry praying Attunements ----------- These all start at Denied and progress through: repelled, standard and attuned repelled: 1x cost standard: 2x cost attuned: 3x cost base cost 1 (weak / not commonly used spell paths) -- transmutation mind self information light detonation (only create bomb, rune of blasting and vitriol - god gift) base cost 2 (commonly used spells) -- Null - any spell without a spell path teleportation abjuration electricity creation missiles fire summoning protection transferrence restoration death frost base cost 3 (very powerful and commonly used spells) -- turning wounding johnny PGP Public Key available from: http://www.keyserver.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x17BF1DD3