[CF-Devel] button.c magic mouth suggestions

pstolarc at theperlguru.com pstolarc at theperlguru.com
Fri Sep 6 18:11:34 CDT 2002

On Fri, 06 Sep 2002 12:10:31 -0600 (MDT), you wrote:

     If sp is set and greater than zero on a magic mouth, it will respond only to
     button push events.  If sp is set and less than zero, it will respond only to
     button release.  This has made it easier for me to make maps where I want
     things like a message when a gate opens and a different message when a gate
     closes.  I chose 'sp' since it's the same variable that reverses button
     push/release events on buttons.  Since 'sp' hasn't done anything on magic
     mouths before, it shouldn't break any maps.
Solution exists already.  Set the attributes on the button to walk_on 0,
walk_off 1, and the button will only trigger on a walk_off.  Or visa-versa.



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