[CF-Devel] button.c magic mouth suggestions

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Sat Sep 7 04:49:58 CDT 2002

in reply to Kurt and Philip:

      > I'd like to make a suggestion for magic mouths.
      > [...] The gist of the problem was that I needed a
      > magic mouth to be activated when a button was
      > pushed, but not released.
      > [...]
      > I propose the following: [...] 
      > If sp is set and greater than zero on a magic mouth,
      > it will respond only to button push events.
      > If sp is set and less than zero, it will respond only
      > to button release.
I totally agree with Kurt. This is an excellent proposal
and I'd love to have it in CVS. I experienced the same
restrictions about magic_mouths and always wanted to have
that improved.

Before putting it on CVS though, I believe it would be
very good if the patch was tested. One thing I wonder
for example: Kurt you said this works for buttons connected
to a magic_mouth, but does it also work for inventory-checkers
and pedestals? It would be wonderful if it worked for
all of this, not only buttons.

It sounded like you already tested the patch on your
server? If it ran bug-free there I would be pretty
confident about putting in on CVS soon, assumed nobody
else on the list has objections.

      Solution exists already.  Set the attributes on the button
      to walk_on 0, walk_off 1, and the button will only trigger
      on a walk_off. Or visa-versa.

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