[CF-Devel] new cut 1.4.0 and realestate idea

Todd Mitchell temitchell at sympatico.ca
Mon Sep 16 00:28:42 CDT 2002

Well the new 1.4 cut installs well, everything worked except the python plugin (I still had to modify the plugin Makefile, remove the references to the 1.5 libs (since it correctly detected and used the 2.x Python.h to compile) and remake the plugin , but that is pretty painless anyway.)

Killpets works well, but I don't know if it is good that they drop their inventories (free money).  Seems a bit cruel.  Unsummon would be kinder. - but it was good work on a well needed function.

M.T. should be proud, the DX Client still runs well under 1.4.  Well enough to be a usable client for windows users still (thought I should mention that somewhere).  I have to say it - it is still my favorite client.

Still playing with a concept for buying castles/houses, I have one pretty simple solution i've been working on.  

I made a file called 'lots' with the following format : lot#, map, x, y, zone, owner
e.g  1,/city/city,16,18,house,vacant
I wrote a python script (kind of like Collette's IPO python script for mail) that will let you check the availability of a lot and what can be built on it and purchase a deed for the lot.  When you buy a lot, a set of maps will be written based on a template map (read map file -> find and replace the exits and the inventory checkers -> save new file to player directory) and the target map from the 'lots' file will be edited to add in the exits (remove or cover over the for-sale signs-> place an arch linking to the player's new home map) - I'm still workin on this but I think it presents no real issues.
It would be up to map makers to add in signs on their maps indicating a lot number and zone type (so players would be able to shop around) and to make an entry in the 'lots' file to make the lot available.
Initially there will be two templates (which are like the guild maps in that there are lots of gold floors and altars to cozy up the maps), a 2 story house and a 4 story keep (so far single tile arches only to keep it simple and avoid map congestion).  I plan on adding in two more - tower and castle if it works out.

Three problems I can see so far - 
1. you have to wait for the map to reset before you can see or enter your new pad.
2. mapmakers making mistakes either on maps or in the lot file
3. when updating maps have to be careful not to mung up players houses
4. problems with adding files to the server (bloat issues?)- removing old files
5. more stuff for server admins to do

Advantages are:
1. easy to implement
2. lots of control for 'zoning'
3. players can buy as many as they like
4. pretty easy to do in python
5. more stuff for server admins to do...

Of course with some automation enhancements some of the problems could be mitigated (I was thinking of adding a dm command to add lots (in python -  if you were carrying around some kind of 'wand of realestate'), and you could always make a utility script to run through and clean up inactive players and lots)

anyone have thoughts on this?  Am I missing anything vital?  Someone have a better plan?

The Python Plugin is pretty cool.
I installed Sorcerer Linux a bit ago to try it out and noticed that Crossfire is one one of the install spells you can cast.  Unfortunatly it is 'cast crossfire' and it gets the whole ball game- arches, maps, client, server.  Think it would be better to make three install spells: client, server+maps, and the jED + arches.  Anyway, have to look into that later.

Just a 1.4.0 FYI - thanks folks.

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