Sorry about the HTML, just did a settings sweep of all my mail clients on different systems to fix that. anyhow, I just noticed that many items in the 1.4.0 release are plural in the singular (like bags of holding, or staves of banishment - even when only one is present.) I also noticed the second last post I sent seems to have gotten lost in the aether - in a nutshell this is what I sent: I decided to simplify the script I was doing for realestate. Have a lot file with entries like this: 1,Scorn,house,100000,vacant Made a Lots folder in the maps directory and made subfolders like so: lot1, lot2, off a bunch of copies of some standard houses and keeps for starters but easy for map builders to add new varieties and update the housing market. The maps are to be linked to places in the main maps and manually updated in the lots file. Needless to say you would have to keep the lots file and the unique-items folders and any custom maps backed up or you would get some irate players (WHERE IS MY HOUSE!!!!) Wrote a script that lets players check a lot (returns location, type, cost and if vacant or sold), buy a lot (updates the vacant entry with player name), and sell a lot (updates the lot file, gives back half the price and -still working on this:-> removes the deed and removes the unique-items copies of the map so it is available for resale) Deeds are currently just regular items but would it would probably be best to make them invisible inventory items. (If only I could get more information on the script functions...) How about that? I guess a trap for the quit command is in order as well. Thanks for the input - this is simpler and probably easier to build off of than what I outlined before. And of course all this only works with the plugin and Python 2.1 or better. Still working on this and the templates and if anyone has advice for the costs (how much for a house, how much to add a basement or a second floor, how much for a keep... or anything else I've overlooked (not including an in game editor...) - please let me know. The whole package is up at if you want a peek but it's not finished yet (works as an example however, it's pretty easy to figure out). Hmmm, I wonder how hard it would be to make a (java applet?) that displayed a crossfire 'webcam'...?