[CF List] strange comportments with large creature summoning

Raphaël Quinet quinet at gamers.org
Tue Sep 10 04:34:26 CDT 2002

On Tue, 03 Sep 2002 21:09:23 -0700, Mark Wedel <
     mwedel at sonic.net
     > wrote:
        There are certainly many cases where swapping would work with big monsters - 
      especially monsters that are 1x2 or 2x1.  It's just doing the necessary checking 
      for such cases would get quite tricky.
I just thought about another way to solve this problem: instead of
forcing the player to banish the pets when they are blocking the way
and they cannot be pushed, why couldn't they disappear for a while?

The summoned monsters appear out of nowhere.  They could probably make
some round-trips to this nowhere and come back a bit later.  Here is
how it would work: when a player tries to move towards a square that
is occupied by a pet, try to see if the pet can move out of the way.
If not, then remove the pet from the map and insert it in a list of
pets that are waiting to re-materialize.  After a few game ticks
and/or when the player moves, the list is checked and one or more
monsters from that list are put back into the map.

The same list of "pets that should come back" can be used for the
monsters that were blocking the player and for those that have to come
back after the player enters a different map.



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