[CF-Devel] smoothing code.

crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com
Fri Jul 11 07:07:23 CDT 2003

Hash: SHA1

Le Vendredi 11 Juillet 2003 07:15, Todd Mitchell a écrit :
      >Notice also that some maps might need some slight modifications.
      >This is the case in previous pic with this awfull hole in the mountains.
      >I have the feeling some mountains borders seems to be sourrounded by
      >unnatural black border
      Hmm, not bad - I will touch up the mountains.  It is hard to do this blind.
      I assume I can compile a server now to get smoothing working?  I have a few
      more sets to post now as well, but rebuilding my system (perhaps tonight
      I'll add them.)
Smoothing code seems stable enough since have corrected the bug noticed by 
garbled. Still have to do the relocation of the content of lib/smooth to 
somewhere else.

I will suggest the following. adapt the collect script so it will notice line 
in the form
smoothface XXXXX YYYYYY
rip it away from object and put a line in lib/smooth in the form
Since some objects have animations, i think the script should be able to read 
several time the smoothface instruction from one object.
The counter part would be, if i put the same 
smoothface XXX YYY
in two different files, or i write in 2 different files 
smoothface XXX YYY 
and smoothface XXX ZZZ
The pic the server will choose to smooth XXX (either YYY or ZZZ), will be 
choosen randmoly according the the behaviour of the bsearch instruction on 
the system (no duplicata detection).

One last note, the smoothface instruction would be interpreted ONLY by 
collect.pl, server will still rely on the lib/smooth file to get it's 
instructions. It won't be possible to change the smoothface for an object (i 
never intended to do it since it would consume to many bandwidth for now)

Does this way conform to crossfire standards (info will be located in object's 
.arc file, lib/smooth would be generated at the same time as the archetype 
and face files, and it would be possible to have several smoothface entries 
concerning the different faces involved in an archetype.)

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