[CF-Devel] Large forest. Was: more proposals

crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com
Wed Jun 25 01:38:58 CDT 2003

David Seikel wrote:

      Currently, the weather system runs as part of the server, so it needs to do
      it's work quickly to not slow down play.  My current project is to split it
      off to another program that runs seperately and only bothers the server
      when it is time to overlay snow and stuff onto tiles.  It would connect to
      the server as a player with some DM style priviledges, I call it WG
      (Weather God).  I already have a modified server and GTK client that has
      the WG log on, become WG, vanish, and teleport to each big world map in
      turn.  I am at the stage where I am getting relevant weather / map
      information exchanged.  This project has stalled since my OS upgrade
      because I can't get the damn python plugin to compile.  Note, my weather
      code doesn't need python, I only want it for my Ice castle maps.
  I wonder if that is really more efficient.

  Being able to have a client/watch what it is doing can be neat, but I'd tend 
to guess that it is the loading/saving of maps which is going to be the major 
performance hit on the server site - and communicating what is on the map frm 
the server to client and back again.

  One could certainly only do these updates when no one is on the server - I 
think the current weather code tries to do that.  However, that doesn't help if 
the server is never complete vacant.

  If performance was really an issue, making a weather thread would probably be 
the way to go.  Only minimal amount of locking would be needed - all the weather 
values would be private, so it'd only need to lock access to a map level. 
Presuming the time it actually takes to process each map isn't that great, you 
could do something simple on the object level - if an object is active on a lock 
map, just skip its action for this tick.

  Eventually, I'd like to thread crossfire in this way - at a map level.  But 
not sure if it would fixtoo many problems.  It'd probably fix the biggest which 
is loading/saving a map may take more than one tick.

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