[CF-Devel] Re: [Crossfire-devel] ALSA 0.9.x sound server patches

crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com
Sat Mar 22 04:18:40 CST 2003

Sure.. i'll re-diff it today.

Tim Hentenaar

On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 23:36:11 -0800
Mark Wedel <
     mwedel at sonic.net
     > wrote:

      Tim Hentenaar wrote:
      > On Wed, 19 Mar 2003 23:28:01 -0800
      > Mark Wedel <
      mwedel at sonic.net
      > wrote:
      >>  It seems that if alsa9 is being used, you have set up its own functions for 
      >>things like init_audio.  yet I also see changes to the old init_audio that was 
      >>used for older versions of alsa, with #ifdef ALSA9 .. stuff, yet that code would 
      >>not seemed used, so just seems odd to be in place.
      > ah, i had forgotten about that :P
      > i added it there because my original plan was to have it just define ALSA_SOUND as normal, but i realized i had to do another define for it. I had forgotten to take that out :P
      > if ALSA9_SOUND is defined ALSA_SOUND won't be defined anyway :P
        Can you provide a patch without that unneeded code?  While it won't actually 
      have an effect on how the code works, I'd rather not have the code 'cluttered' 
      up with stuff that is redundant.
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