[CF-Devel] player speed idea.

crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com
Fri Oct 3 06:59:47 CDT 2003

On Fri, 3 Oct 2003 
     scachi at gmx.de

      On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 23:54:33 -0700
      Mark Wedel <
      mwedel at sonic.net
      > wrote:
      >   Things like strength and dex would not effect player speed directly.  Strength
      > indirectly effects it in that a strong character can carry more.  Thus, a really
      > strongh character may be half loaded at 1000 kg, where a weak character would be
      > fully loaded with that gear.
      1000kg it to much weight, nobody should be able to carry more than 300 kg.
      Why not add a carry system like other RPG or hack n slash games.
      Add the size to the object, so you can carry max 300kg and or a maximal overall size of ??.
      Make default spaces for the stuff you are able to wear (equipped) at the same time, and one space for additional stuff in a default size where you can put all inactive (unequipped) stuff...
      So you would be able to carry one bed, or one big clock,
      but not both at the same time.
      I don't like it to be able to walk around with 2 beds, one clock, 2 chairs, ... in my inventory.
Well, this is yet to be considered IMO. But as I (and M. Wedel) said, it's
actually not a reality simulators. The characters are not regular peepo
like the ones who walk around in the streets. They are heroes with extreme
abilities, and for example the strongest man in the world would have about
15-18 STR in the game, while one who could carry 1 ton half loaded has 30.
Well, carrying 2-4 beds while still being able to fight is impossible with
any strength, but we should consider that such rules would only slow down
the game, not make it more enjoyable. (I have a char and I want to bring 3
beds somewhere, I have to do the trip 3 times. That's pointless IMO.)
We should never forget that this is a game, features should serve _that_,
not our sense of reality.
Of course other HnS and RPG games may have such features, but check 'em:
In those games (DiabloII for example, or Baldur's Gate) you don't _want_
to carry beds at all. (And I hated even in those games the
_COULDN'T_CARRY_ANY_MORE thing...) Why is it a problem? For -like it or
not- you can get money this way, and almost _no_other_way_.

Again, the game should espouse other forms of reaching a goal you want to
reach with a certain method, _before_ changing that given method drastically.

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