[CF-Devel] Forgotten child

crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com
Fri Oct 3 21:07:29 CDT 2003

On Fri, 3 Oct 2003, Todd Mitchell wrote:

      >>I really think that the development community has been given a bad
      >>reputation lately and from some people who couldn't take the time to do
      >>even a basic amount of research.  This problem has nothing to do with
      > I don't understand this. Y'know what I did, for example? I saw things
      > going wrong, asked somebody, and got this mail list. And wrote some
      > mails. Doing research? No, I don't want to do that. I just tell things I
      > think should be told. That's all. I'm a simple player. I have right to
      > raise my voice. You not like it - kick me from the list (if you had the
      > right...).
      Vanity will get you everywhere ;) In actual fact I was not thinking of
      you when mentioning this, but others who were complaining (on IRC and
      the crossfire forum in actual fact) about percieved issues with
      development prior to your mail.  You certainly have the right to post
      your views but you will also be responed to accordingly.  I personnaly
      have been quite turned off lately by certain people being rude to me
      when I've tried to assist them and have decided to start ignoring such
      messages.  As for telling things you think should be told, that's fine
      too but if you do not take the time to see the issues then you shouldn't
      expect people to take the time to credit your opinions.
      > Well, IMO players should be treated as humans, not as experimental rats.
      > Why is it stupid to think they have the right to know what's going to
      > happen to them? They are humans, they act as they should act. Keeping
      > things secret just to be sure players won't disagree is unfair (and
      > disgusting).
      > Besides, I think informing players _should_ be done properly anyway.
      What was being kept secret?  I don't understand where this hostility is
      coming from.  Nothing was being kept secret from anyone.  No one was
Well, as I wanted to tell peepo about the new skill system and it's
consequences, some peepo made me think it wouldn't be a good idea, it
would make players upset etc. They say there's nothing to tell for sure,
but it's not entirely true. It _is_ known that the new skill system is
_not_ compatible with the old one, so players _will_ loose their
characters. It is _also_ known, that the current 6 main skills will be
split into many. As M. Wedel answered these issues was really fair. But
I think all the players should know about it.

      planning on sneaking out in the middle of the night an deleting your
Well, the fact is that some players still don't know about their
character's future...

      player file and there was no conspiracy to mess up players XP on
      Metalforge.  Players using the windows clients have been repeatedly told
Maybe they have been repetedly told. In the past perhaps. As for me, I'm
playing for about 1 year on Metalforge, but noone told me, that the DX
client is abandonware, or that anytime may happen that it won't work.
Really noone! How should I have known? (Not that I'm using DX client, I
play under Linux, but other peepo certainly did use the DX client...)

      that these are currently unsupported clients.  This is what I meant by
      minimal research.  Aside from having someone sending individual players
      a candy-o-gram as to changes that may or may not take place I cannot see
      how you expect to be informed and at the same time expect to do no research.
Simple. MOTD (for example) should contain infos about upcoming changes, so
players won't be surprised. Anyway, not every player should be familiar
with such things. Some just connect to the server, and then some problems
turn up. How should he know, what to do? Asks a DM or another player, and
he gets this mailing list address. So he wrtites some letters. (Well, it's
not the case with me, I wrote here directly, for I have been told that
writing _anywhere_else_ would yield no answers...) And that's the reason
for asking Metalforge-special questions, not overall devs'.
Besides that, as far as I know, Metalforge is currently far the biggest
server available. (Well, indeed was, at least.)

But, if my tone seemed to be hostile, I apologize for that. I just felt
your answers are going to be the standard "net-big-man-talks-to-small-man"
thing, aka "Don't whine, if you do, RTFM first, then visit all the
webpages and forums, read all mails, read _everything_, then shut up, for
your problem is not serious anyway!" Maybe usually this protocoll is fair,
but this time it seemed _not_, for we (players) have been waiting for
lotsa time and still not getting explanation. (Which IMO should be part of
the protocoll.)

      To top it all off I think that you enrirely missed the point I was
      making.  I am assuming you are in all cases talking about problems you
      are having on the Metalforge crossfire server.  These issues really have
      nothing to do with development and everything to do with that server.
      There are many different crossfire servers with different implemetations
      for differnet audiences.  Rather than scream at the developers it would
      be way more productive to spend some time identifying these servers and
      matching up the audiences to allow players to play the game.
      A rocksolid mainstream server running 1.5.0 is not the same as a CVS
      test server or a legacy 1.3.0 server for DX client support (the last
      version to fully support the features of the DX client including the
      image caching).  Players should be informed and consider this when
      deciding what sevrer to play on.  As far as I am aware Metalforge has
      always been a test server (targeting something like a beta level
      functionality) and not a stable server.
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