[CF-Devel] Patch submission: item custom name partial match

crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com
Sun Sep 21 11:58:48 CDT 2003


My rename patch made it to CVS, but I had missed partial name matching 
in item_matched_string
So here's the patch for that. (for common/arch.c)

Pretty straightforward, just added a strstr(op->custom_name,cp)
Note that returned value is 3, meaning partial item name is almost the 
lowest priority taken into account.

Nicolas 'Ryo'
-------------- next part --------------
Index: arch.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/common/arch.c,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -c -3 -r1.26 arch.c
*** arch.c      13 Sep 2003 05:01:26 -0000      1.26
--- arch.c      21 Sep 2003 16:55:40 -0000
*** 248,253 ****
--- 248,258 ----
        else if (strstr(query_base_name(op,1), cp)) retval = 12;
        else if (strstr(query_base_name(op,0), cp)) retval = 12;
        else if (strstr(query_short_name(op), cp)) retval = 12;
+     /* Check for partial custom name, but give a real low priority */
+     else if (op->custom_name && strstr(op->custom_name, cp)) {
+         pl->contr->count=count;       /* May not do anything */
+         retval = 3;
+     }

        if (retval) {
            if (pl->type == PLAYER)

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