[CF-Devel] Re: Possible item price bug

crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com
Wed Apr 21 10:58:18 CDT 2004

Bernd Edler wrote:
      One can define PRICE_LIMIT here or even in the config.h if desired.
I considered this (to define a constant for the limit) but did not
introduce it because it would add complexity through another
configurable parameter. On the other hand, having a configurable
parameter may prevent a future bug when someone changes the limit again.

      These functions are not only continuous but even more important here,
      monotonic increasing. They are also differentiable, meaning they bend
      away smoothly from the linear function.
I have seen this "problem" (the existing function is monotonic
increasing but not differentiable) but dismissed it because I considered
it as not relevant (and did not find a simple new function): While
playing, you can easily compare (absolute) item prices and notice that
you will get more for more expensive items. But normally you do not
compare the differential prices.

I have another concern about the new function: The price adjustment
should tone down expensive items to limit the money one can get by
selling items. The existing function is very "aggressive" in this regard
but the new function gives much more money (see functions titled "new
function (limit ...)") in attached image).

To sum up, even if I prefer a differentiable function, I would keep the
existing function because it has no "practical" problems.
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