[CF-Devel] Improvements to 'tell' and 'reply' commands

crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com
Wed Aug 25 13:03:06 CDT 2004

Here are two small improvements to the commands 'tell' and 'reply':

The patch tell.diff enables you to talk to players with ambiguous names:
Currently you can't talk to (for example) 'abc' if both 'abc' and
'abcII' are currently logged in. This patch prefers exact matches over
prefix/case-folded matches.

The patch reply.diff allows you to reply to players that logged out but
did not yet drop the connection. (The current situation is somewhat
inconsistent: 'talk' does work but 'reply' does not work.)
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Index: server/player.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/server/player.c,v
retrieving revision 1.151
diff -w -c -5 -r1.151 player.c
*** server/player.c	13 Jun 2004 17:30:38 -0000	1.151
--- server/player.c	25 Aug 2004 17:47:53 -0000
*** 59,68 ****
--- 59,71 ----
      for ( pl = first_player; pl != NULL; pl = pl->next )
          if ( strlen( pl->ob->name ) < namelen )
+ 	if ( !strcmp( pl->ob->name, plname) )
+ 	    return pl;
          if ( !strncasecmp( pl->ob->name, plname, namelen ) )
              if ( found )
                  return NULL;
-------------- next part --------------
Index: server/player.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/server/player.c,v
retrieving revision 1.151
diff -w -c -5 -r1.151 player.c
*** server/player.c	13 Jun 2004 17:30:38 -0000	1.151
--- server/player.c	25 Aug 2004 17:47:53 -0000
*** 43,53 ****
  player *find_player(char *plname)
    player *pl;
!     if(pl->ob != NULL && !QUERY_FLAG(pl->ob,FLAG_REMOVED) && !strcmp(query_name(pl->ob),plname))
          return pl;
    return NULL;
--- 43,53 ----
  player *find_player(char *plname)
    player *pl;
!     if(pl->ob != NULL && !strcmp(query_name(pl->ob),plname))
          return pl;
    return NULL;
-------------- next part --------------
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