[CF-Devel] Traps not working reliable

crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com
Sun Aug 29 13:29:42 CDT 2004

I noticed that some traps (in chests and doors) do not work reliable
anymore. Sometimes you set off a trap, but nothing happens.

My investigations resulted in:

 - There is a bug in trap_adjust() in server/rune.c. The code basically
   does "level = MAX(1, rndm(...))" to ensure "level >= 1".

   This does not work because MAX() is a macro and evaluates its
   arguments multiple times. The result may be a trap (RUNE) with level
   zero: a rune that does not detonate.

 - It seem me that there are three ways to puts spells into runes:

   1) put an item (spell) into inventory

   2) use spell name in 'slaying' field

   3) use archetype name in 'other_arch' field

   For traps,

   1) can't be used because inventory items can't be used in archetypes.

   2) The 'slaying' field (or the obsolete spell number in the 'sp'
      field) is converted to an inventory item by check_loaded_object()
      in loader.l. However, this conversion is not done by
      create_all_treasures()/create_one_treasure() in treasure.c.

      spring_trap() in server/rune.c does not use the 'slaying' field,
      only inventory items or the 'other_arch' field.

      Therefore runes using the slaying field do not work when created
      by a treasure list.

   3) The other_arch field does work. But I'm not sure if that is the
      preferred way: doc/Developers/runes, server/rune.c, and
      CFJavaEditor specify to use the 'slaying' field but do not mention
      the 'other_arch' field.

After fixing the bug in rune.c and changing most runes in the archetypes
file according to 3), I got all kinds of traps working again. I
summarized some attributes of the runes in runes-old.txt/runes-new.txt,
because the diff of the archetypes file is not very clear.

Besides that, I re-enabled the 'maxhp' field for runes to cast more than
one spell. Now it works for all types of spells, not just for summoning
-------------- next part --------------
Index: lib/archetypes
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/lib/archetypes,v
retrieving revision 1.151
diff -c -5 -r1.151 archetypes
*** lib/archetypes	11 Jun 2004 06:21:42 -0000	1.151
--- lib/archetypes	29 Aug 2004 18:16:42 -0000
*** 35496,35506 ****
  range_modifier 4
  maxsp 9
  type 101
  subtype 7
  value 10
- attacktype 4
  no_drop 1
  invisible 1
  editor_folder arch/spell/Ability
  Object abil_fear
--- 35496,35505 ----
*** 41563,41573 ****
  Object rune_drain_magic
  name Rune of Magic Draining
  type 154
  speed 1
- slaying magic drain
  hp 1
  face drain_magic.111
  You feel depleted of psychic energy!
--- 41562,41571 ----
*** 41576,41586 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
- attacktype 18
  Cha 20
  other_arch spell_magic_drain
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object generic_rune
--- 41574,41583 ----
*** 41640,41650 ****
  Object rune_ball_lightning
  name Rune of Ball Lightning
  type 154
  face rune_blightning.111
! slaying ball lightning
  hp 1
  speed 1
  You detonate a Rune of Ball Lightning
--- 41637,41647 ----
  Object rune_ball_lightning
  name Rune of Ball Lightning
  type 154
  face rune_blightning.111
! other_arch spell_ball_lightning
  hp 1
  speed 1
  You detonate a Rune of Ball Lightning
*** 41662,41672 ****
  Object rune_create_bomb
  name Rune of Create Bomb
  type 154
  face rune_bomb.111
! slaying create bomb
  speed 1
  hp 1
  RUN!  The timer's ticking!
--- 41659,41669 ----
  Object rune_create_bomb
  name Rune of Create Bomb
  type 154
  face rune_bomb.111
! other_arch spell_create_bomb
  speed 1
  hp 1
  RUN!  The timer's ticking!
*** 41675,41692 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 3
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_confusion
  name Rune of Confusion
! slaying mass confusion
  type 154
  face rune_confusion.111
  hp 2
  You detonate a Rune of Mass Confusion!
--- 41672,41689 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 1
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_confusion
  name Rune of Confusion
! other_arch spell_mass_confusion
  type 154
  face rune_confusion.111
  hp 2
  You detonate a Rune of Mass Confusion!
*** 41697,41707 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
- attacktype 6
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_death
  name Rune of Death
--- 41694,41703 ----
*** 41746,41756 ****
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_burning_hands
  name Rune of Burning Hands
- slaying burning hands
  type 154
  face rune_fire.111
  hp 1
  other_arch spell_burning_hands
--- 41742,41751 ----
*** 41762,41778 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
- attacktype 6
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_dragonbreath
  name Rune of Dragon's Breath
- slaying dragonbreath
  type 154
  face rune_fire.111
  hp 1
  other_arch spell_dragonbreath
--- 41757,41771 ----
*** 41784,41803 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
- attacktype 6
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_medium_fireball
  name Rune of Fireball
  type 154
  speed 1
  hp 1
! slaying medium fireball
  face rune_fireball.111
  You set off a fireball!
  animation rune_medium_fireball
--- 41777,41795 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_medium_fireball
  name Rune of Fireball
  type 154
  speed 1
  hp 1
! other_arch spell_medium_fireball
  face rune_fireball.111
  You set off a fireball!
  animation rune_medium_fireball
*** 41805,41826 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 18
  dam 90
  Cha 20
- maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_large_fireball
  name Rune of Fireball
  type 154
  speed 1
  hp 1
! slaying large fireball
  face rune_fireball.111
  You set off a large fireball!
  animation rune_large_fireball
--- 41797,41817 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 6
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_large_fireball
  name Rune of Fireball
  type 154
  speed 1
  hp 1
! other_arch spell_large_fireball
  face rune_fireball.111
  You set off a large fireball!
  animation rune_large_fireball
*** 41828,41841 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 18
  dam 90
  Cha 20
- maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_frost
  name Rune of Frost
  type 154
--- 41819,41831 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 6
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_frost
  name Rune of Frost
  type 154
*** 41857,41867 ****
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_icestorm
  name Rune of Icestorm
- slaying icestorm
  type 154
  face rune_frost.111
  hp 1
  other_arch spell_icestorm
  speed 1
--- 41847,41856 ----
*** 41873,41889 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
- attacktype 18
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_large_icestorm
  name Rune of Large Icestorm
- slaying large icestorm
  type 154
  face rune_frost.111
  hp 1
  other_arch spell_large_icestorm
  speed 1
--- 41862,41876 ----
*** 41895,41914 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
- attacktype 18
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_heal
  name Rune of Heal
  speed 1
  type 154
  face rune_heal.111
! slaying heal
  hp 1
  You set off a Rune of Heal
  animation rune_heal
--- 41882,41900 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_heal
  name Rune of Heal
  speed 1
  type 154
  face rune_heal.111
! other_arch spell_heal
  hp 1
  You set off a Rune of Heal
  animation rune_heal
*** 41916,41935 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
- attacktype 1
  Cha 1
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_small_lightning
  name Rune of Lightning
  type 154
  speed 1
  hp 2
! slaying small lightning
  face rune_lightning.111
  You set off a bolt of lightning!
  animation rune_small_lightning
--- 41902,41920 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
  Cha 1
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_small_lightning
  name Rune of Lightning
  type 154
  speed 1
  hp 2
! other_arch spell_sm_lightning
  face rune_lightning.111
  You set off a bolt of lightning!
  animation rune_small_lightning
*** 41937,41955 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 18
  dam 90
  Cha 20
- maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_paralysis
  name Rune of Paralysis
! slaying paralyze
  type 154
  face rune_paralysis.111
  hp 4
  You detonate a Rune of Paralysis!
--- 41922,41939 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 10
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_paralysis
  name Rune of Paralysis
! other_arch spell_paralyze
  type 154
  face rune_paralysis.111
  hp 4
  You detonate a Rune of Paralysis!
*** 41960,41976 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
- attacktype 6
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_poison_cloud
  name Rune of Poison Cloud
! slaying poison cloud
  type 154
  face rune_pcloud.111
  hp 1
  You detonate a Rune of Poison Cloud!
--- 41944,41959 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_poison_cloud
  name Rune of Poison Cloud
! other_arch spell_poison_cloud
  type 154
  face rune_pcloud.111
  hp 1
  You detonate a Rune of Poison Cloud!
*** 41981,42000 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
- attacktype 6
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_restoration
  name Rune of Restoration
  speed 1
  type 154
  face rune_heal.111
! slaying restoration
  hp 1
  You set off a Rune of Restoration
  animation rune_restoration
--- 41964,41982 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
  Cha 20
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_restoration
  name Rune of Restoration
  speed 1
  type 154
  face rune_heal.111
! other_arch spell_restoration
  hp 1
  You set off a Rune of Restoration
  animation rune_restoration
*** 42002,42012 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
- attacktype 1
  Cha 1
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_shock
  name Rune of Shocking
--- 41984,41993 ----
*** 42031,42041 ****
  Object rune_regenerate_spellpoints
  name Rune of Magic Power
  type 154
  speed 1
! slaying regenerate spellpoints
  hp 1
  face rune_sp_res.111
  You feel powerful!
--- 42012,42022 ----
  Object rune_regenerate_spellpoints
  name Rune of Magic Power
  type 154
  speed 1
! other_arch spell_regenerate_spellpoints
  hp 1
  face rune_sp_res.111
  You feel powerful!
*** 42044,42063 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
- attacktype 18
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_summon_air_elemental
  name Rune of Summoning
  type 154
- race air_elemental
  speed 1
  hp 1
! slaying summon air elemental
  face rune_summon_air.111
  A portal opens up, and screaming hordes pour through!
  animation rune_summon_air_elemental
--- 42025,42042 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_summon_air_elemental
  name Rune of Summoning
  type 154
  speed 1
  hp 1
! other_arch spell_summon_air_elemental
  face rune_summon_air.111
  A portal opens up, and screaming hordes pour through!
  animation rune_summon_air_elemental
*** 42065,42088 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 18
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_summon_devil
  name Rune of Summoning
  type 154
- race devil
  speed 1
  hp 1
! slaying summon devil
  face rune_summon.111
  A portal opens up, and screaming hordes pour through!
  animation rune_summon_devil
--- 42044,42066 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 2
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_summon_devil
  name Rune of Summoning
  type 154
  speed 1
  hp 1
! other_arch spell_summon_devil
  face rune_summon.111
  A portal opens up, and screaming hordes pour through!
  animation rune_summon_devil
*** 42090,42113 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 18
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_summon_earth_elemental
  name Rune of Summoning
  type 154
- race earth_elemental
  speed 1
  hp 1
! slaying summon earth elemental
  face rune_sum_earth.111
  A portal opens up, and screaming hordes pour through!
  animation rune_summon_earth_elemental
--- 42068,42090 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 2
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_summon_earth_elemental
  name Rune of Summoning
  type 154
  speed 1
  hp 1
! other_arch spell_summon_earth_elemental
  face rune_sum_earth.111
  A portal opens up, and screaming hordes pour through!
  animation rune_summon_earth_elemental
*** 42115,42137 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 18
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_summon_fire_elemental
  name Rune of Summoning
  type 154
- race fire_elemental
  speed 1
  hp 1
! slaying summon fire elemental
  face rune_sum_fire.111
  A portal opens up, and screaming hordes pour through!
  animation rune_summon_fire_elemental
--- 42092,42113 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 2
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_summon_fire_elemental
  name Rune of Summoning
  type 154
  speed 1
  hp 1
! other_arch spell_summon_fire_elemental
  face rune_sum_fire.111
  A portal opens up, and screaming hordes pour through!
  animation rune_summon_fire_elemental
*** 42139,42162 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 18
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_summon_water_elemental
  name Rune of Summoning
  type 154
- race water_elemental
  speed 1
  hp 1
! slaying summon water elemental
  face rune_sum_water.111
  A portal opens up, and screaming hordes pour through!
  animation rune_summon_water_elemental
--- 42115,42137 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 2
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object rune_summon_water_elemental
  name Rune of Summoning
  type 154
  speed 1
  hp 1
! other_arch spell_summon_water_elemental
  face rune_sum_water.111
  A portal opens up, and screaming hordes pour through!
  animation rune_summon_water_elemental
*** 42164,42174 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 18
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
--- 42139,42149 ----
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
! attacktype 2
  dam 90
  Cha 20
  maxhp 5
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
*** 42186,42196 ****
  is_animated 0
  invisible 1
  no_pick 1
  walk_on 1
  editable 32
- attacktype 18
  other_arch spell_transference
  editor_folder arch/spell/Rune
  Object runedet
  name trap
--- 42161,42170 ----
Index: server/rune.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/server/rune.c,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -c -5 -r1.38 rune.c
*** server/rune.c	18 Jun 2004 07:45:29 -0000	1.38
--- server/rune.c	29 Aug 2004 18:16:42 -0000
*** 266,282 ****
--- 266,284 ----
  	if (was_destroyed (trap, trap_tag))
+ 	for(i = 0; i < MAX(1, trap->stats.maxhp); i++) {
  	if (trap->inv)
  	else {
  	    spell = arch_to_object(trap->other_arch);
+ 	}
      } else {
  	if (was_destroyed (trap, trap_tag))
*** 424,434 ****
      /* now we set the trap level to match the difficulty of the level
       * the formula below will give a level from 1 to (2*difficulty) with 
       * a peak probability at difficulty 
!     trap->level = MAX(1, rndm(0, difficulty-1) + rndm(0, difficulty-1));
      /* set the hiddenness of the trap, similar formula to above */
      trap->stats.Cha = rndm(0, 19) + rndm(0, difficulty-1) + rndm(0, difficulty-1);
  	if (!trap->other_arch && !trap->inv) {
--- 426,438 ----
      /* now we set the trap level to match the difficulty of the level
       * the formula below will give a level from 1 to (2*difficulty) with 
       * a peak probability at difficulty 
!     trap->level = rndm(0, difficulty-1) + rndm(0, difficulty-1);
!     if(trap->level < 1)
! 	trap->level = 1;
      /* set the hiddenness of the trap, similar formula to above */
      trap->stats.Cha = rndm(0, 19) + rndm(0, difficulty-1) + rndm(0, difficulty-1);
  	if (!trap->other_arch && !trap->inv) {
*** 440,451 ****
  	trap->stats.dam = 0;
  	    trap->stats.dam+=rndm(0, 4);
  	/*  the poison trap special case */
! 	if(trap->attacktype & AT_POISON)
! 	    trap->stats.dam = MAX(1, rndm(0, difficulty-1));  
  	/*  so we get an appropriate amnt of exp for AT_DEATH traps */
  	if(trap->attacktype & AT_DEATH) trap->stats.dam = 127;
--- 444,458 ----
  	trap->stats.dam = 0;
  	    trap->stats.dam+=rndm(0, 4);
  	/*  the poison trap special case */
! 	if(trap->attacktype & AT_POISON) {
! 	    trap->stats.dam = rndm(0, difficulty-1);
! 	    if(trap->stats.dam < 1)
! 		trap->stats.dam = 1;
! 	}
  	/*  so we get an appropriate amnt of exp for AT_DEATH traps */
  	if(trap->attacktype & AT_DEATH) trap->stats.dam = 127;
-------------- next part --------------
rune name       dam attacktype         slaying                maxhp other_arch               randomitems
Ball Lightning    1 magic elec         ball lightning
Blasting         90 phys magic
Burning Hands     0 magic fire         burning hands            spell_burning_hands
Confusion         0 magic fire         mass confusion
Create Bomb      90 phys magic         create bomb
Death           400 death
diseased needle  10 phys                                                                     needle_diseases
Dragon's Breath   0 magic fire         dragonbreath             spell_dragonbreath
Fire             30 magic fire
Fireball         90 magic cold         large fireball         5
Fireball         90 magic cold         medium fireball        5
Frost            35 magic cold
Heal              0 phys               heal
Icestorm          0 magic cold         icestorm                 spell_icestorm
Large Icestorm    0 magic cold         large icestorm           spell_large_icestorm
Lightning        90 magic cold         small lightning        5
Magic Draining    0 magic cold         magic drain              spell_magic_drain
Magic Power       0 magic cold         regenerate spellpoints
Magical Rune      0 magic
Nullification     1 magic cancellation
Paralysis         0 magic fire         paralyze
Poison Cloud      0 magic fire         poison cloud
Restoration       0 phys               restoration
Shocking         40 magic elec
Summoning        90 magic cold         summon air elemental   5
Summoning        90 magic cold         summon devil           5
Summoning        90 magic cold         summon earth elemental 5
Summoning        90 magic cold         summon fire elemental  5
Summoning        90 magic cold         summon water elemental 5
Transferrence     0 magic cold                                  spell_transference
-------------- next part --------------
Ball Lightning    1 magic elec                                  spell_ball_lightning
Blasting         90 phys magic
Burning Hands     0                                             spell_burning_hands
Confusion         0                                             spell_mass_confusion
Create Bomb      90 phys                                        spell_create_bomb
Death           400 death
diseased needle  10 phys                                                                     needle_diseases
Dragon's Breath   0                                             spell_dragonbreath
Fire             30 magic fire
Fireball         90 magic fire                                  spell_large_fireball
Fireball         90 magic fire                                  spell_medium_fireball
Frost            35 magic cold
Heal              0                                             spell_heal
Icestorm          0                                             spell_icestorm
Large Icestorm    0                                             spell_large_icestorm
Lightning        90 magic elec                                  spell_sm_lightning
Magic Draining    0                                             spell_magic_drain
Magic Power       0                                             spell_regenerate_spellpoints
Magical Rune      0 magic
Nullification     1 magic cancellation
Paralysis         0                                             spell_paralyze
Poison Cloud      0                                             spell_poison_cloud
Restoration       0                                             spell_restoration
Shocking         40 magic elec
Summoning        90 magic                                     5 spell_summon_air_elemental
Summoning        90 magic                                     5 spell_summon_devil
Summoning        90 magic                                     5 spell_summon_earth_elemental
Summoning        90 magic                                     5 spell_summon_fire_elemental
Summoning        90 magic                                     5 spell_summon_water_elemental
Transferrence     0                                             spell_transference
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