[CF-Devel] skills bug

crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com
Tue Feb 24 01:46:27 CST 2004

ERACC wrote:
      On Tuesday 24 February 2004 00:16
      Mark Wedel wrote:
      As far as I am concerned this did not need to be "fixed". Now it is
      broken. Placing exp in whatever skill *I* have selected when working
      in party makes perfect sense to me. Placing it in something I cannot
      use makes no sense whatsoever.
  Matter of opinion I suppose.

  It doesn't make any sense ot me that if I have bargaining readied and a party 
friend blasts something with a fireball that my bargaining skill should go up.

  And most previous messages I have seen on the subject suggested just that was 
in fact a bug, cheat, or other non desirable feature.

      Which makes working with a party pretty much useless for training
      skills that are useful to my character. A dragon with level 23 in
      two handed weapons is quite silly unless a dragon can now wield two
      handed weapons. Further, I tried to help another player, Omoikane on
      cf.mf.net, level up summoning, he DOES have that skill, and he never
      got any exp in summoning although MY summoning skill was clicking
      right up. Unless that is now fixed then why ever join a party, other
      than just because it is there, when I can level up what I *need* on
      my own?
  Well, that is the first I have heard of summoning exp not getting properly 
credited - it should, so that is a bug

  There may not be a bunch of good reasons to join a party - that is of course a 
player determination.  But do note that even if you don't have the skill in 
question, your character still gains that for overall exp.  So while it may not 
help in any particular skill, it may help their overall level if they are 
generally not able to kill things.

      One other thing. Dragons have *fingers* (for rings) but not *hands*
      (for stealing)? You guys sure created some odd looking dragons. When
      I was chatting with Katia about it the other night in CF I was
      splitting my sides laughing at that picture in my head. :-) Seems
      that stealing would be linked to having *fingers* (does the US term
      "five finger discount" ring a bell? No? It is a term that refers to
      shoplifting aka stealing). Classic paintings of dragons clearly show
      hands. Though I suppose wielding weapons in CF is tied to hands and
      we don't want dragons doing that. So, fingers for stealing anyone?
  I'll fix that in the code - it is relatively minor.

  What it basically comes down to is that you must have a free hand available to 
steal (not holding a shield or weapon).  As part of that, it means you need to 
unequip such items - it would be odd to have to unequip rings to steal.

  I'll just put a check in that if the character in question doesn't have any 
hands, he doesn't need a free hand available.  I'd imagine this should also let 
fireborns and perhaps other races steal, but I think that is perfectly fine 
(fireborns are somehow carrying lots of objects with no real body, so if they 
pick up objects, they should also be able to steal).

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