[CF-Devel] change to cone spell code

crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com
Sat Jan 3 05:14:31 CST 2004

      I wanted to put forth an idea to change the cone spell code a little to
      make it take the arch object weight into play more and the level a bit
      less.  Here's a diff with a working example of what I mean.  This would
      be useful because you could then add diffrent weights to the arch object
      used by a cone based attack to make it more or less 'pushy'.
      I made small patch to change check_cone_push. This makes new cone based
      spells more flexable IMHO.
      Specifically I was adding a wave of water spell and wanted it to really
      flush things out  Items with no weight are assumed to weigh 1000 grams
      for backwards compatibility but this could certainly be changed as well.
      Something I didn't do but may like to discuss doing is changing the code
      that determines if an object will be pushed as well. 
      	if(rndm(0, weight_move-1) > tmp->weight/num_sections)
       It's pretty simplistic as well,perhaps this should be tightened up a
      bit and more based on the difference between the two weights.
      Anyway - what say our panel of judges?
I haven't really played with cone spells & their moving items, but your patch 
sounds reasonable.

(now i'm not a judge :))

Nicolas 'Ryo'

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