[CF-Devel] Gnome client currently not supported

crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com
Thu Jan 22 01:59:33 CST 2004

tchize wrote:
      I have tried to compile the gnome client. I get the following message from 
      Gnome client currently not supported
      According to cvs log, the Makefile.in was modified more thant 2years ago, bu i 
      see there are some recent modification in gnome subdirectory files (9days 
      old). So i suppose the gnome client is still maintained. Could i know how am 
      supposed to compile it? Have tried 
      cd gnome;  make gnome-cfclient  
      but i get a whole bunch of errors.
  The gnome client is originally maintained.

  Someone did the initial port.  But at some point, they stopped working on it 
(gtk client was complete enough or something).  So the gnome client is basically 
there more as a historical record.  I suppose someone could get it working if 
they wanted to, but it hasn't been maintained for a long time, so likely needs 
considerable work.

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