[CF-Devel] Re: ideas that occurred while playing online

crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com
Mon Mar 22 11:45:54 CST 2004

I actually worked on some of the rotation on the client-side for the gtk
win32 client a long time ago... ( to use the mousewheel to rotate through )
I believe what I did was to create a doubly-linked list to hold the spells
list and added spells to the list only when they were learned.  On a
roll-up, you would search through the list until you found the current
spell.  Then you would ready the previous spell.  On a roll-down, you would,
instead, ready the next spell.  Of course, you have the caveats... On a
roll-up, if the spell is the head, then you ready the tail 'n vise-versa.

It's been a long time since I programmed for the client, so I don't have my
code lying around anymore, but that's the gist of it. :)

oh yea, I really do URGE the win32 gtk client to store character keybindings
in a 'per-site' situation... like creating a 'metalforge.real-time.com'
folder when the user decides to go to metalforge to play and to place the
keybindings for the metalforge characters in that folder.  It would allow
the players to have multiple characters w/ the same name on different

Yua CaVan

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Todd Mitchell" <
     temitchell at sympatico.ca
To: <
     crossfire-devel at lists.real-time.com
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [CF-Devel] Re: ideas that occurred while playing online

      > > Would it be too resource-consuming if the client kept a list of
      > > all spells you know, and then sort them alphabetically?
      > Right now there is no way for the client to know spells you know, short
      > of doing 'cast' and parsing the output. This could probably be done -
      > but i for one prefer key bindings, some spells aren't used often enough
      > to justify a binding & can be written imo.
      a programmable spell quene command would be nifty - something which would
     allow you to assign a quene number to x number of spells (perhaps a number
around 5-10 would be quick enough useful and big enough to be worth while)
and then rotate through these.  Maybe it should even be a skill or ability
(or a spell?)?
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