[CF-Devel] healing potions

crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com
Tue Oct 12 01:28:07 CDT 2004

Todd Mitchell wrote:
      I think that it is good that the spell is in the object's inventory and
      - that is better than a spell number, but I don't like creating a lot of
      treasure files for arches that will contain a single item in their
      inventory.  How can or could we use arch notation to allow us to specify
      an object's inventory?  other_arch seems reasonable but doesn't work and
      it would be nice to be able to add in a list of items.
  Certainly, a new field would need to be added.  However, if you want to be 
able to add a list of weapons, it seems the treasurelist is the way to go.

  Since .trs files can be sprinkled throughout the arch tree, this isn't as much 
an issue where it was before.

  The problem with adding a new field (inv_arch or something) is that it will 
won't fix the problem - the real problem is that a lot of the code does 
something like:


  Which wouldn't necessarily create the inventory (if it should, we could just 
as easily change arch_to_object to fill in the value right now, but I don't 
think that is really the right approach - I'm not sure if that may result in 
other side effects just as bad as what we have now).

        As for a fix for healing potions - I did try making the arch use a
      treasure list but still had the same problem - the arch worked on the
      map and not in creators or with the create command...
  I looked at the code for the wiz create command (which btw is completely 
seperate code compared to the creator command) - could be a few reasons it 
doesn't work, most of which should be trivial - I'm not sure if to start out 
with whether or not the create command even treats the object name correctly, or 
if it is breaking apart the 'of' context which creates some not so good effects.

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