I should probably preface that I'm responsible for the 'nopopup' mode in the gtk client (v1). But does anyone else find the sign display code in the client really annoying? To me, these are the major issues: 1) No way to turn it off, save for code modification. 2) It centers it on the screen, not the client. This is bad behaviour, especially for those of us with dual monitor setups (I really don't need it straddling the monitors) 3) It shifts input focus to the sign area itself, thus the client stops receiving useful input (like movement commands) 4) No button or the like to dismiss it - have to use whatever functionality your window manager provides to dismiss it. 5) Since info appears in that window, it does not appear in the normal windows, thus, once destroyed (or you read another sign), you lose the contents. Thus, that information on the sign at the start of the dungeon may effectively be lost (won't be in scrollback buffer). 6) At least as things are now, it doesn't really add much. I guess the key issue is #1 - then people can just turn it off, and anyone who uses it is basically choosing to live with points 2 through 5 (or they aren't important). But when I first saw this proposal, I had envisioned that it'd do something clever with the text window (draw graphics, whatever), not put in pop up windows.