[crossfire] Renamed objects and inscribed objects

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Wed Aug 24 01:28:05 CDT 2005

ERACC wrote:
      Greetings y'all,
      It has come to the attention of DMs on Metalforge that some players
      are abusing item renaming and inscription to get around the "no foul
      language" rule on Metalforge. For example an item was renamed to a
      rude phrase and dropped in Scorn where kiddies would see it.
      If a coder would be so kind as to make a patch to add the player name
      to these objects when a player mods them that would be quite lovely.
      Just the name of the last player to edit the object would probably
      work (renaming or inscribing).
  Just a note - the key/value code I checked in a few days ago would make this 
very easy.

  if desired to seperate inscriber vs renamer, could even do that, eg, in the 
appropriate place:

set_ob_key_value(op, "item-renamer", who->name, TRUE);
set_ob_key_value(op, "item-inscriber", who->name, TRUE);

  The dump below command does properly print out these key/value entries.


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