[crossfire] Trips to Wolfsburg

Robert Brockway rbrockway at opentrend.net
Mon Feb 21 09:26:23 CST 2005

Hi all.  Looking at the big world map 
     ) it strikes me as 
odd that Wolfsburg is accessible from Scorn rather than Navar city.  If we 
ever change to moveable ships (discussed on the list many times over the 
years) then Wolfsburg will suddently be closer to Navar.

I'd like to see the maps changed so Wolfsburg becomes connected to Navar 
by ship rather than Scorn.  How do others feel about this?

As long as we don't link Wolfsburg to both Scorn and Navar I don't see any 
game balance issues.


Robert Brockway B.Sc.
Senior Technical Consultant, OpenTrend Solutions Ltd.
Phone: 416-669-3073 Email: 
     rbrockway at opentrend.net
OpenTrend Solutions: Reliable, secure solutions to real world problems.
Contributing Member of Software in the Public Interest (


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