Re: [crossfire] Is the deposit bug on the bank PYò0script ever going to get fixed?

Mark Wedel mwedel at
Wed Feb 23 00:28:09 CST 2005

Robert Brockway wrote:

      It a bit of a problem for libraries that have a lot of external files
      that it depends on though (like python's /usr/lib/python*/ files),
      What files are you thinking of?  They shoudn't rely on anything except 
      other libs.  I just did a strings on /usr/lib/libpython on this box and 
      it didn't reveal any dependencies.
      If the libs really do rely on external files then keep a seperate copy 
      of those as well.  A chroot may be best to keep everything in order in 
      this case.
  Depending on how well the library was written, compatiblity, and so on, you 
can get cases that the library and header files are tied closely together.

  So if you compile against say python 2.1 library, dynamic linking with the 2.4 
library may not work (or could certainly get the case of not picking up the new 
feature or something).

  Likewise, linking against 2.4 and then using 2.3 at runtime is not guaranteed 
to work.


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