[crossfire] Re: Map Protocol Question

Sebastian Andersson bofh-lists-crossfire-dev at diegeekdie.com
Fri Jul 8 03:03:00 CDT 2005

On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 12:18:32AM -0700, Mark Wedel wrote:
       The trickier part is trying to come up with a standard of for what maps 
       should be secretive and what shouldn't.  Because from a player perspective, 
      you'd always want all maps to be non secretive, and that could lead to a 
      discussion of 'why is map xyz secretive?  Map abc isn't, and the info is 
      basically the same'
Shouldn't the secretive be based on the teleporter used to enter?

If I enter via the front door, then I would expect it to be pretty
obvious where I am, but not when entering via a "random" teleporter
or just jumping around on the same map via a teleporter.

That would of course make it even harder to update the maps (or perhaps
some clever program could help here), but I think players would except
it to work like that.

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