[crossfire] treasure chests & wealth

Mitch Obrian mikeeusaaa at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 10 02:21:36 CDT 2005

Is difficulty calculated by the server or must it be
set in the headers btw?

--- Mark Wedel <
     mwedel at sonic.net
     > wrote:

      Vernon T Rhyne wrote:
      > This changes (for the negative in my opinion) the
      other dynamic at work, the
      > acquisition of truly rare items.  Since this is
      basically a lottery at really
      > really long odds, these random levels are a
      significant potential source of
      > rare items.  If you kill the volume, you
      dramatically lower the chance at a
      > rare item.
      > If we're reducing clutter, I'd argue we should
      increase the value of
      > individual-item yield for super-high level
        but by that arguement, we should then increase the
      number of treasures, so it 
      is more likely items show up.  But I doubt many
      people would think that is a 
      really good idea.
        Now what could perhaps be done is increase the
      likelihood of artifact items 
      show up slightly based on difficulty of the dungeon.
       Right now, I recall the 
      likelihood of artifacts (ring of miracles type of
      thing) is somewhat constant 
      based on difficulty - or at least, the chance of a
      ring becoming a 'special' 
      ring is constant - some items do require minimum map
      difficulty levels.
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