[crossfire] Re: treasure chests & wealth

Alex Schultz AlDragon at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 12:39:10 CDT 2005

Mark Wedel <
     mwedel at ...
     > writes:
        Now what could perhaps be done is increase the likelihood of artifact items 
      show up slightly based on difficulty of the dungeon.  Right now, I recall the 
      likelihood of artifacts (ring of miracles type of thing) is somewhat constant 
      based on difficulty - or at least, the chance of a ring becoming a 'special' 
      ring is constant - some items do require minimum map difficulty levels.
     Yes, I recall from what I've read that you are correct that the likelyhood is
completely constant based on difficulty, with the fact that many items requite a
minimum map difficulty levels. I agree with that both reducing the number of
items at high levels, but also increasing the chance of more valuble appearing
to a point that getting a ring of ruling or something like that at the *highest*
floor of a TC is equal to of better than currently despite the reduced number of

Alex Schultz


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