[crossfire] About "glue" code

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Fri Jul 15 02:48:41 CDT 2005

       It could certainly go away.  I suppose a few people still use
      crossedit, but that could be fixed similar to the client - any things
      that common needs to call that exist elsewhere, the editor could just
      define as empty dummy functions.
Ok, guess i'll clear a few things :)
I'll remove the whole library concept, so the compilation weirdness
(under Win32 at least) that is build server - build library - build
plugin can be fixed ^_-
I may keep some "safe" library functions linked to plugin, though -
maybe things like query_name are safe to use directly, i'll check.

       I'm not sure if that really fixes thing on win32 or not - it would seem
      to me that having the common area be a static library that gets linked
      into the plugin will ever really work right - I note that on linux,
      crosslib isn't linked in as part of the plugin process.
It wouldn't fix right away. But it would force to actually use hooks
for all plugin functions instead of calling directly library functions
(like check_trigger or free_string, the latest probably totally broken
under Win32...).



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