AW: [crossfire] Re: AW: About "glue" code

Michael Toennies michtoen at
Fri Jul 15 04:20:36 CDT 2005


Sorry, we talk about facts here.
You will find in the #python dev. channel the same
information (we asked there really!):

For embedded use, in particular in a real-time application 
like the cf server, lua IS in every case superior, except you 
definitly need one of features python has as complete standalone 
language and lua not. But you will not need them because they
are 99% related to standalone use.

And again: LUA is embedded 250% and more faster. Point.
You can time it by yourself by comparing the same plugins & script,
using python & lua plugins from daimonin.

Its not i don't like python, Panda3d for example is a excellent
example how even for 3d coding python can be used - mostly because
there python lower performance will never catch up because there 95%
of the performance is done in the 3D engine itself.

But in our case used as emebedded script language, python is simple on the
wrong place.

THATS the reason every python guru will tell you that python should be used
extended but not embedded. In fact in the time we debugged the python plugin
the people in #python telled us better to used it not embedded.

So please - i will not start a flamewar but also please don't be a python
Right used python is a strong & coming language - but it is not the next
holy grail - 
and LUA is not in a single area weaker (where both are comparable). 

The point is simple: 
LUA is designed from the root to be a embedded language in C/C++. Python
That and the fact LUA has not the bulky stuff any standalone language has to
with it (and which you can't easily strip down without changing the python
itself) gives it a untouchable advantage.

A last point is: LUA *is* really a beautiful language. I don't have touched
itself before last februar. But i was able to do a script just to look at
the first
example script and thinking "how would it be logical now to code that?" -
and it worked
in the first try. A experience everyone did in our dev team. The current
coder will use it too as script language for the editor.

Everyone from the Daimonin dev team said: Lua as language is simply
beautiful and
easy to use.C, java, python, perl... they all look cryptic compared to lua. 
It is of course on some cost - again, we don't talk about a standalone
language who
has to do some things lua was able to avoid.

Everyone using it who had coding experience in python, java or C was able to
LUA instantly and said: Just nice and easy. Anbd thats a good thing because
map makers have great mapping skill but don't want learn python for it.

      And so says Michael Toennies on 15/07/05 05:29...
      > I can't tell you enough HOW superior lua is compared to python.
      This is hardly the place for a language flamewar, please 
      refrain.  (And I'm using pretty much all my willpower to 
      refrain too... :-P)
                                                     Lalo Martins
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             then they seem improbable, and then, when we
             summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
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