[crossfire] Python guild & mlab maps status.

Andrew Fuchs fuchs.andy at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 16:32:49 CDT 2005

On 7/18/05, Nicolas Weeger <
     nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
     > wrote:
      Is someone actively working on the new Python-based guilds? The base
      in CVS seems ok, but missing parts obviously (unlinked buildable maps).
No clue.

      IIRC someone voluntereed to integrate mlab maps into CVS, but no more
      info. What's about it?
The tavern moved to navar, with updates, was commited; along with some
of the new citydeclouds. (by temitchell, at Sat May 28 20:11:15 2005
UTC).  No idea beyond that.

Andrew Fuchs


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