[crossfire] Python guild & mlab maps status.

Mitch Obrian mikeeusaaa at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 20 01:50:20 CDT 2005

Making a script to chunkify the bigger maps might be a
good idea.

The mlab world maps are only 140^2 though (I'm
assuming load times is the issue? Bigger maps tend to
take a 1/2 sec to load on older computers).

I don't think the apartments have any issues, I tested
them when I made them, and when I motified them after
that... but who knows, mistakes happen.

--- Todd Mitchell <
     temitchell at sympatico.ca
     > wrote:

      Andrew Fuchs wrote:
      >On 7/18/05, Nicolas Weeger
      nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
      > wrote:
      >>Is someone actively working on the new
      Python-based guilds? The base
      >>in CVS seems ok, but missing parts obviously
      (unlinked buildable maps).
      >No clue.
      Yes, however a bug in the python plugin with the
      trigger hook (crashes 
      the server) is holding things up.  Work on the
      python guilds is awaiting 
      a fix for this.  The trigger was to be used for
      enabling special guild 
      features (like the pet kennels) as guild points
      reached certain levels 
      as well as granting access to the different Rank
      Halls (the unlinked 
      maps you mentioned are 'lounges' for guildmembers of
      each ranking) and 
      as another way to assign guild 'quest' points via a
      trigger on a map 
      (the other way to give guiild quest points is to use
      the 'say' hook).
      However, in the meantime there is no reason that
      more maps cannot be 
      developed which contain more special items which
      give access to guild 
      features (I believe that the prices for things like
      the cauldrons are 
      not all set yet) as well as any quests that give out
      guild points.
      >>IIRC someone voluntereed to integrate mlab maps
      into CVS, but no more
      >>info. What's about it?
      >The tavern moved to navar, with updates, was
      commited; along with some
      >of the new citydeclouds. (by temitchell, at Sat May
      28 20:11:15 2005
      >UTC).  No idea beyond that.
      The citydeclouds was committed and some work has
      been done on the other 
      maps as well.  I am/was working on the outlaying
      lands (valleyofrock 
      etc...) and trying to decide how best to split the
      maps into smaller 
      chunks.  Anyone is welcome to help so long as they
      try to follow the 
      basic map making guidelines.  It's better to do
      small pieces which can 
      be easily tested and committed.  Special attention
      should be given to 
      the shops and very large maps with lots of items on
      them.  The 
      apartments are something that I would like to look
      over more closely 
      Also I'm out of town for a few weeks so things are
      even slower than 
      usual for me...
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